How to Be a Better Imposter in Among Us?
Become a better crew member first
In order to become a better imposter while playing Among Us, it’s important for you to understand the full role of the crewmember. As an imposter, you’re goal is to Sabotage the entire mission by killing off all possible crewmembers and infiltrating your way to the final stages of the game without being caught. As a crewmember, your goal is to finish tasks, varying in length and skill-level, in order to complete your crew’s mission, while also avoiding being killed by the imposter. Another goal of a crewmember is to identify the imposter before they have killed off the crew.
By familiarizing yourself with the tasks of a crewmember, including where standard tasks are located, how long they take to complete, and whether or not there are visible actions that others can see as you complete those tasks, you’re increasing your ability to blend in as the imposter. Once you’ve mastered some of these tasks, you can easily make other crew members believe you’re just a regular space-voyaging sack of meat.
Report Your Own Murdered Victims
A key component of being a better imposter in Among Us is acting like a traditional crewmember. Traditional crewmembers will typically report a body once one is eventually spotted. If you’re aiming to be an expert saboteur, reporting your own murder victim will, at times, throw the crewmates off guard. When reporting victims, remember that many times other crewmates will want to know where the body was discovered, and whether anyone was near.
Don’t be Suspicious
There are many things in Among Us you can do to seem suspicious. As a well-skilled impostor, your goal should be to be as inconspicuous as possible. Running around aimlessly is a key sign that someone may not be a crewmate, or at the very least, may be a crewmate who’s not properly completing their tasks. Crewmembers also do not like being followed, as this can make a player nervous, and lead someone to believe their follower is out to get them. Communication with the crewmates is also critical, so make sure you’re involved in the pre-voting conversations around what was seen, and questioning crewmember motives.
Use the Vent System for a Stealthy Kill
As an imposter in the Among Us game, you have access to vents that are not available to regular crewmembers. In order to use the vents in Among Us you must be in close proximity to them. Keep in mind that other players can see you utilize the vent, but cannot see you once you have entered the vent. The largest opportunity for you to be spotted is during a kill and entering or exiting the vent. Learning how to use the vent system successfully can allow you to have a stealthy kill, sneaking away into the darkness unseen. As an impostor, as you plot your next murder, consider which rooms have access to vents for a quick escape, though keep in mind of the visibility from crewmembers.
Familiarize Yourself with the Sabotage Functionality
In addition to using the vents in Among Us, you also have an additional sabotage skill at your disposal. The sabotage functionality allows you to cause a crisis in the ship, which requires crewmembers to fix a component with a critical task. Bodies can still be reporting during a crisis, however emergency meetings may not be. One of the most beneficial sabotage tasks will turn off the lights in the ship, allowing only an extremely limited line-of-sight visibility for the impostor and crewmembers until the task has been completed, leaving a perfect opening to a discrete murder. These same sabotage efforts can also be used to lure an unsuspecting victim to the area, though this is best used when there are fewer than half of the original crewmembers remaining. Another effect of sabotage is the ability to lock off area of the ship. If there’s someone you’d like to trap in a designated area with you, you can utilize the door locks in the sabotage selection to cordon off the area. Familiarizing yourself with the sabotage options can go along way to proving our your Among Us impostor skills.
Communication as an Impostor
We’ve already mentioned that acting like a regular crewmember is absolutely critical to winning a game of Among Us as an Impostor, and a huge portion of being an expert saboteur is blending in with your opponents in the chat room. When you’re playing as the impostor, be mindful of putting to much blame on too many different crewmates. Placing blame on others in the chat room could indicate that you’re attempting to evade being suspect, and going for a quick agreement on a vote. At the same time, try not to be too quiet during the chat, as this can increase the suspicion levels of other members.